Why you should learn Python ? (Even if you are not a programmer)

Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks.

Amber Rudd

Python is one of the most popular programming language and it’s not surprising. Its sheer popularity is due to the fact that it’s very easy to learn and it’s versatility. It can almost be used in every field.


Here are the top 5 reasons you should learn Python (even if you are not a programmer)


This point has to be first, python is among the most versatile language. It can be used in any field ranging from programming, data science, medical, artificial intelligence, finance, computer vision to research. you’ll find tons of companies using python for their daily activity. Learning python will give you an edge in your job.


You don’t need sit for 6 hrs lecture or a computer science degree to learn python.
You can learn it sitting at home having snacks. Python is one of the easiest language to learn. It’s syntax are made in a way that humans can understand easily.
It doesn’t require a high specification device to run (I’ve used python in a 1 GB ram potato PC ) depending upon your speed of learning you can learn python in 2 weeks to 1 month.It’s because of its simplicity it’s the most popular language to learn among beginners.

Your never alone.

Got stuck with an error while running your code ? Don’t worry there are thousands of python communities who are ready to help you. Python is a active language. It’s still developing and there are many community members who are helping other people with there doubts. You’ll find your every doubt answered.

Automate things

There are still a lot of things which you do manually which can be automated like sending personalized emails to different people, Merging big excel files. Python comes to rescue you from this time consuming things. You can even automate whatsapp to send personalized Birthday wishes to your contact numbers.

Be in demand

In this world machines are rapidly eating redundant jobs. For example in early years banking was a labour intensive sector, at every branch you would find 20-30 people doing manual jobs like printing paasbooks, verifying cheques. But today you’ll find less than 10 people working most things are done by machine now. This thing is true for every sector from Accounting, Finance, Insurance, Management to Media. Companies don’t require many no tech guys now they want tech guys who have buisness knowledge.

In India where majority of students enroll for non tech degrees are at loss for struggling to find new job in future. But by learning python you’ll have an edge over others in your interview.

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